Wednesday, 9 January 2013


I got the inspiration for this new 'Currently' feature from the lovely Danielle at Sometimes Sweet.Not only is she a beautiful person but she knocks me over with her writing skills on a  daily basis, you should check her out!

Reading // 

I'm still ploughing through this fabulous Dostoevsky novel 'The Brothers Karamazov' on my Kindle.It's a gripping, gnarly, provocative and darkly satirical read. Dostoevsky nails it every time for me. It's taken me forever to get through this one because Christmas and new years distracted me from my reading groove for a while but I'm back on track now and have so many good reads waiting in the sidelines for when this one is done.

 Planning //

Lots of big moves coming up later this year, my current school contract finishes in April and I'm currently applying to move from private school back to a Public Government school position. This entails piles and piles of boring paperwork and admin. Yawn.A more exciting prospect on the horizon is the Beach House concert Dallas and I are going to in Seoul on the 23rd. I can't wait! Stay tuned for a review of the show here ^^


Two noteworthy movies watched over the past few months: "Beasts of the Southern Wild' and Tarantino's 'Django Unchained'.Both were movies that leave you thinking about them looooong after the credits rolled.

I'm also a sucker for season 2 of 'American Horror Story' at the moment.

 Eating //

The only meal that warms my heart and soul right now is a big bowl of creamy basil tomato soup with grilled avocado and cheese sandwiches.

 Writing // 

I have two exciting guest posts I'm currently tapping out in the evenings for two wonderful bloggers. Stay tuned for those later this month!

 Listening // 

To Turquoise Wisdom on Aquarium Drunkard

 Learning // 

A few harsh life lessons at the moment.

I listened to Florence & the Machine on the way to school this morning and really listened to some of her lyrics, hearing them truly for the first time: 

"I am done with my graceless heart//
so tonight I'm gonna cut it out and then re-start//
and it's hard to dance with the devil on your back//
so shake him out".

  (Thanks to Danielle for this "Currently" list inspiration ^^)


  1. That tomato soup and grilled cheese (WITH AVOCADO!!!) looks so delicious! It was what I had wanted on my drive home from work today but it was too much of a hassle to make (after a long day)!

    1. Haha! The avocado reeeeally makes that sandwich ^.^
      Thanks for stopping by Pearl (love that name, I want to call my future daughter Ruby) xxx
